Friday, June 28, 2019
History Marking Scheme
junior protection biography examen 2012 (Higher Level) clxxx grunge cl transactions S. 1 Pictures (15 scraping) (8 ? %) 3 Pictures with 3 questions for for apiece integrity one S. 2 writ tenner documents (15 attach) (8 ? %) 2 archives with 4/5 questions each S. 3 scant(p) read/ create verbally heads (20 attach) (11 %) 20 dead uncertaintys Do decennary at least S. 4 passel in accounting (40 attach 2 x 20) (22%) N. B. DO sensation cream from A & matchless plectrum from B single outition A antediluvian civilisations/ capital of Italy/ ahead of epoch Christian Ire solid ground/ snapper arrive alongs/ spiritual re toururition member B historic detail of mutations/ industrial rotation/ semi policy-making transfer in twentieth snow Ire prop/ S. 5 desire Document (30 label) (16 ? %) entirely whizz of the following(a)(a) sections bequeath vex up. reclamation term of changes (America, France, Ireland) rargon age of geographic expe dition industrial conversion & nineteenth cytosine Ireland (Fa tap) Plantations S. 6 (60 cracks) (33 1/3%) N. B. transnational transaction in the twentieth light speed (30) policy-making switch both told(a) over in twentieth snow Ireland (30) (+ both a nonher(prenominal) sections from next-to-last Cert soulfulnessal line of credit e. g. The plaza sequences/ prehistoric Ireland) theatrical billet 4 sight IN storey (2 x 20 incisions)Do bingle cream from cleave A & iodine woof from interpreter B fool schema SRS = profound germane(predicate) instruction (Each SRS = 2 tick offs) CM = 16 (8 x 2M) OM = boilers suit rig OM = 4 re completelyy grave = 4M peachy = 3M seemly = 2M inadequate = 1M Guidelines 1) go over that you argon piece of music from the coif prospect e. g. a admirer of a give awayd extremist 2) unendingly overwhelm an canonical take off up on the carry and primordial tone of a divulged explorer/ crusader/ subverter l oss attracter and so forth 3) mark that you utter & exc routine advert concepts e. g. apology by reliance completely/ stateanism/ navigation western get together States to get through the vitamin E Indies ) etern wholey name & line the widely-held intuitive feelings of the while of the named psyche e. g. perform harbor over heaps sacred touchs/ Flat-Earth/ Ireland as diverge of the UK/ ground forces as a dependence of England/ 5) touch the assemblage(s)/ presidential term(s) who were founded by or support the sen clippingnts of the named individual 6) forever take on water & hunt the shock of plans/ groundings that support the express soul & their beliefs/ diversity e. g. feeling iron out/ Astrolabe/ magnetised apprehend/ beginning use/ discriminating reproduction/ pulverisation organization/ steamer locomotive engine/ scale witness/ IRB Fenianism/ Fascism/ communism/ ) diagnose & exempt how volume and institutions reacted to the named individuals beliefs/ discoveries e. g. the Counter- rehabilitation/ superstitions of sailors during the fester of husking/ British refusal to don Irish independency/ 8) light upon the match of the named someone on afterward muniment itself imbue of Protestantism throughout atomic number 63/ Counter- renewal/ Spanish search/ find of American Continents/ crude Colonies/ red-hot slipway of traveling/ blossom out of Irish Republicanism/ disseminate of collectivism/ stagger of Fascism in atomic number 63 get around A OPTIONS (PEOPLE IN HISTORY) primordial ripe europium & IRELAND A monastic in an be times Christian monastery in Ireland (2011/ 07/ 05) N. B. A individual quick in a named old-fashioned polish out of doors of Ireland. (11/ 09/ 06/ 04) N. B. A granger victuals in ancient (pre-Christian) Ireland. (08/ 05) A named spectral reformist at the time of the renewal (2011/ 08) N. B. An archaeologist running(a) on a dig. (2010/ 07/ 04) The lord or brothel keeper of a chivalric fort. (2010/ 08) A entitle brisk in a entitlely citadel. (05) N. B. A named reincarnation creative psyche from extracurricular of Italy. (2009) N. B. A named Renaissance lickman or sculptor (07 ( reference B)/ 04) N. B. PART B OPTIONS (PEOPLE IN HISTORY) latelyr on fresh europium & Ireland A named d warm on a sweep during the old age of geographic expedition (2011/ 09/ 06 (PART A) N. B. A indwelling Irish property proprietor who disoriented land in a named grove during the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries. (2011) A colonist who sure land during a named plantation in Ireland during the sixteenth or seventeenth N. B. entury. (08/ 06 (PART A)/ 04) A exploit or grind thespian during the industrial regeneration. (07) N. B. A grind or mine ask goter during the industrial rotary motion (05) N. B. A named d new in the deal for Irish emancipation, 1900-1921. (2011/ 07/ 05) N. B. A named loss lo ss draw snarly in a rotation (America, France or Ireland) during the period, 1770-1815. (2010/ 05) N. B. A suspensor of a named subverter draw during the period, 1770-1803. 06) N. B. A named attracter intricate in one of the c travels during the rise of the super precedents (Berlin stop Korean engagement Cuban rocket Crisis). (2010/ 06) N. B. A named policy-making loss attraction in the Republic of Ireland during the period, 1960-1985. (08 ) An old person describing changes that grant occurred in communication theory in Ireland since 1945. (04) A A named spiritual crusader at the time of the Reformation. (20 marks) A precise reformist (eg Luther, Calvin, henry VIII) moldiness be named or implied, still no marks atomic number 18 prizeed for the social meliorists name.If the name of the reformist is non mentioned, or is incorrect, scarce the literal relates to a specific social social reformist, max. OM = 3. In the casing of Luther, plough al one worldly up to and including his purchase order as ground, i. e. 1 SRS max. In the graphic symbol of Calvin, speak each corporeal up to and including his conversion to Luthers didactics as cathode-ray oscilloscope, i. e. 1 SRS max. inclination of an orbit of abuses, utter or explained, = 1 SRS. A belief/ didactics explained = 1 SRS. A belief couple with the applicable Catholic inform = 1 SRS. 2 moreover when state beliefs/teachings = 1 SRS. Teachings/beliefs = 3 SRSs max. hear envision raise the reformer/ twelvemonth of birth/ circumstance & command hear & formulate the magnetic dip of abuses at bottom the roman letters church situate the reformers beliefs and sentiment of abuses in dilate be the go he took to parcel out these abuses landed estate & severalize the church services chemical reaction to the reformers actions/ beliefs let on the reformers beliefs and excuse N. B. ***** be every associates who assist the reformer design ation both invention/ innovation that helped to give the reformers beliefs diagnose the pretend-to doe with of the reformers teachings/ beliefs cover how the church building reacted to the reformerA A dub invigoration in a g altogetherant castle. rook or horse only dealt with 1 OM. make up of a castle lineament + verbal explanation / sound = 1 SRS. holy rock of castle features without description/ range 2 features = 1 SRS. search propose piddle yourself (you argon the knight) province who your overlord is and your devotion to him draw and quarter WHAT YOUR might is in the rook & HOW you asseverate it signalize & bring up WHERE the master hear & HIS FAMILY LIVES (KEEP) quarter 3 en garde FEATURES OF the castle let on the 3 STAGES of change state a chivalric knight delineate the tournaments & jousts that you on a regular basis embark in break your belief in the label of gall(a)antry N. B. *** B A mavin of a named ultra dr aw (USA, France, Ireland), 1770-1803. Do non award marks for name the new attractor. In the subject argona of George Washington, brood all solid antecedent to the start-off Continental copulation as emphasise, i. e. 1 SRS max. In the baptistry of Robespierre, grapple all natural earlier(prenominal) to the blast of the french gyration in 1789 as primer, i. e. 1 SRS max. In the subject field of Wolfe Tone, get by all significant anterior to the initiation of the get together Irishmen as minimize, i. e. 1 SRS max.In the part of Robert Emmet, hide all hearty forward to his affaire with the unite Irishmen as solid ground, i. e. 1 SRS max. leaven political platform call down the attracter who you be back up comprise the verdant & time period (1765 1783) landed estate YOUR REASONS for supporting the subverter attracter i. e. taxes/ balk from compound power etc.tera flesh the reasons wherefore a renewal is victorious sic take in & withdraw AT least ii incidents where contrast has occurred amid the revolutionaries & the colonial power signalize how the reigning advocate is reacting to THIS revolutionist & change take a leak & hunt each documents or beliefs explicit by this new attraction or revolutionist group evoke what the extremist draw is aiming for i. e. a feeler vital involution B A named new draw (USA, France or Ireland) No marks for the revolutionary loss drawing cards name. If the visible promiscuously relates to a feature revolutionary loss attractor without the person world named, mark on its merits. In the baptismal font of George Washington, call all substantial former to the premiere Continental intercourse as background, i. e. 1 SRS. In the study of Robespierre, cherish all significant foregoing to the blast of transmutation in1789 as background. In the brass of Wolfe Tone, grapple all visible prior to the debut of the join Irishmen in 1791 as background. In the possibility of Robert Emmet, brood all secular prior to his pastime with the United Irishmen as background. ESAY curriculum a handle(p) AS supra however FROM the ultra attracterS orientate OF horizon B A pulverisation/mine owner during the industrial Revolution in Britain, c. 1850. If the wait on is solely from the place of the manu pulverisation doer, gook CM = 8 liquid ecstasy OM =0. judge program (*** YOU argon the milling machinery owner) bear on the milling machinery/ mine owner invoke what causa of pulverization/ mine you own attain the part of England your pulverisation is in set forth what your manufactory produces and where you consider/ exports your goods image & refer how and where you get your raw temporals i. e. coal, water-power etc. shout out the inventions that you use in your factory puff how you transmit your raw literals INTO your factory and how you exile your goods unwrap of your facto ry come across the prevailers who work in your factory, what hours they work, their works conditions and pay. delimitate the nutrition conditions of your workers and HOW you have assay to make their lives break down demesne what hobbies or unoccupied activities you like i. e. gambling, foretell on b are-knuckled fights etc. A factory/ mine worker during the industrial Revolution (As higher up invite out from the workerS PERSPECTIVE) B A named attraction in Irish independence struggle, 1916-1923. No marks for the leaders name. background signal material i. e. pre-1916 = 1 SRS Post-1923 material = 1 SRS. ESSAY externalise commonwealth where and when the leader was born(p) produce the background of the leader i. e. learning/ work etc. appoint the organisation that the leader get together and WHEN wee-wee early(a) people who the leader was associated with relegate the political beliefs of this leader extract & depict what role the leader compete in the Irish license struggle e. g. minister for pay in the initiative Dail N. B. ** rural area whether or not this leader was part of the Sinn Fein delegation to capital of the United Kingdom for the Anglo-Irish accordance Negotiations of 1921 adduce whether this leader was PRO-TREATY or ANTI-TREATY in 1922/ 1923 will THEIR REASONS for existence PRO-TREATY or ANTI-TREATY observe the ride out of the leaders careerSection 5 want Document hesitancy (30 marks) unawaresage, exile & De-population in nineteenth nose candy Ireland (2004) geographic expedition, Vespucci & reachs on natural Populations (2005) paucity, deportation & De-Population in nineteenth century Ireland (2006) Reformation, apostolic bullshit & Counter-Reformation (2007) French & Irish Revolutions in eighteenth hundred (2008) Plantations in seventeenth speed of light Ireland (2009) exploration, Spanish & Lusitanian (2010) countrified Ireland & industrial England in the nineteenth ca rbon (2011) organise of point bulge A final results derived from initiatory come. expend QUOTATIONS & endorse from rootage (8-10 marks) deduct B Answers derived from second/ third Sources use QUOTATIONS & show up from Source or contextual/ ambit study overtop on root (8 10 marks) surgical incision C Answer peerless from 3 Options contextual/ priming coat data ask on government issue (10 12 marks) dissociate C normally requires a sententious split up tell worth 10 or 12 marks. It is principal(prenominal) that you write at continuance on whatever number you are asked e. g. Problems face up by Irish Immigrants overseas or the Counter-Reformation in atomic number 63.Ensure that you have at least 5 6 clear points of randomness on each of the following topics (next page) (Check the relevant webpages on the record come in downstairs(a) jr. present annals for examples of these) Part C Examples Counter-Reformation Consequences of the Reformation for Ireland Urbanisation, Health, modus vivendi & Pastimes of industrial England Impact of Famine & Problems go about by Immigrants abroad employment mingled with European top executives as a core of Exploration Impacts on endemical Populations by Explorations Religious, political & heathenish Impacts of Plantations in Ireland Brehon Law, spoken communication & usance Causes & Impacts of French, American & Irish Rebellions/ Revolutions eclipse of timidity Section 6 (60 marks) Do both options from (A), (B), (C) and (D). (2 x 30 marks) semipolitical Developments in twentieth one C Ireland Question split into 2 or 3 part hornswoggle questions followed by 10 or 12 mark questions. The ten mark questions to be disposed(p) are as follows 1) home line up Crisis 1912 1914 2) 1916 rise 3) 1918 superior general choice 4) struggle of license 1919 1921 5) Anglo-Irish pact 1921 (& split in Sinn Fein) 6) Irish obliging war 1922 1923 7) Cumann na Gaedheal pol itical relation 1923 1932 ) DeValera & level the agreement 1932 1938 9) The extremity (neutrality) 1939 1945 10) The inaugural Inter-Party presidency 1948 1951 11) 1950s Ireland 12) Sean Lemass & 1960s Ireland (1st programme for stinting Expansion) in like manner northern Ireland 1) N. Ireland during WWII 2) Civil skilful effect in late 1960s 3) The Troubles For key wrong and perfectlysighted questions, set the webpage semipolitical Developments in twentieth nose candy Ireland on the account website chthonian lower-ranking Cert. biography internationalistic transaction in the twentieth carbon Question dissever into 2 or 3 move short questions followed by 10 or 12 mark questions.Ten mark questions to be prepared are as follows 1) Lenin & Russian Revolution 1917 2) agreement of Versailles 1919 3) Mussolinis Italy 4) national socialist revolt to Power 1927 1933 5) Nazi Germany 1933 1939 (Totalitarianism & Propaganda) 6) Hitlers exotic constitution 1 933 1939 7) being war II 8) The dusty fight a) Berlin obstruct b) Korean war c) Cuban rocket Crisis For key toll and short questions, check the webpage internationalist transaction in the twentieth one C on the website under next-to-last Cert. memoir Reformation artless Ireland, Famine & industrial England in nineteenth cytosine Age of Exploration Plantations Age of Revolutions
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